Configure Common Pdf Settings
Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > PDF Print-outs > Common Pdf Settings
These master settings apply to all pdf document types (Order, Invoice, Shipment and Credit Memo).
Page Size (v1.0.0+)
Choose from A4 or letter.
Page Orientation (v1.0.0+)
Choose to print pdf’s in either portrait or landscape.
Top/Bottom/Side Margins (v1.0.0+)
Select your preferred top/bottom/side margins in millimetres.
Set the bottom margin large enough to accommodate any footers and the page number. If the bottom margin is set too low, this can result in the footer blocks taking up all available space and there being no room to display the page number.
Footer Blocks 1 – 4 (v1.0.0+)
You can use up to 4 footer blocks to add custom footer content. The width of the footer blocks will automatically adjust to accommodate 1, 2, 3 or 4 footers in the space available.
You can use simple HTML like <p></p>, <br/> in these fields.To add an image, you could enter something like:
<img src="" />
Footers will start where the bottom and side margins are set. For example, if the bottom margin is set to 5, the footer will start at 5 cm above the bottom of the page. Make sure the bottom margin is large enough if you have a lot of text in the footers.
Store Address (v1.0.0+)
Enter your store's address as you would like it to appear in the pdfs. This field can also be used for free text and store address is only a suggested use.
Background Image (v1.0.0+)
Upload an image that will be used as a background to the pdfs. Images will be scaled (but not distorted) to fit the page.
Store Address (v1.0.0+)
Enter your store's address as you would like it to appear in the pdfs. This field can also be used for free text and store address is only a suggested use.
Order Comments (v3.2.0+)
When set to Yes, comments inputted under Sales > Orders > Comment History will be added to the pdf (the comments you see in the back-end order view history):
Display Total Weight (v8.1.0+)
When set to Yes, the total weight will be displayed. This setting may be useful for shipping purposes.
Font (v1.0.0+)
- System fonts (Helvetica, Times and Courier) offer the largest potential pdf size reduction (up to 95%), but might not show all international characters (see Troubleshooting)
- Dejavu fonts offer broader international character support (UTF-8), but do not offer the same pdf size reduction as system fonts
- Use the Arial fonts for Chinese, Korean or Japanese markets where the Adobe character package is widely installed. This option also offers up to 90% potential pdf size reduction.
Upload Custom Font (v8.0.5+)
Upload any true type font with a .ttf file extension. Once uploaded, save the configuration. You will then be able to select your font from the drop down box in the “Font” setting above this option. You must have a writable media folder directory to use this setting (fonts are stored under downloadable/pdfcustomfonts/processed/). Custom fonts do not offer the same potential pdf size reduction as system fonts as the font files are embedded in the pdf.
If you would like to upload a bold version of the font please upload the bold variant first, save the configuration, then upload the normal weight variant of the font before saving the configuration once more. If you upload only the standard variant of the font a fake bolded version is created. Please note that depending on the font this may not always provide visibly different variants. Due to this we recommend uploading a bold variant first, followed by the normal weight variant.
Base Font Size (v1.0.0+)
Change the size of the base font.
- Headings will be scaled to 150% of the base font
- Line items will be automatically scaled to 80% of the base font, when the base font size is set to 12 or higher.
Barcode Type (v1.0.0+)
If you have chosen to show barcodes under the “Columns” setting for each pdf (Order/Invoice/Shipment/Credit Memo), choose how barcodes will be displayed. The default setting is CODE 39 EXTENDED + CHECKSUM. Ensure that you select the correct barcode type for the SKU you are using, or pdf generation could fail.
Display Tracking Number as Barcode (v2.0.0+)
When set to "Yes", the shipping tracking number will be displayed as a barcode in the shipping section of the pdf.
Logo for the Pdf (v1.0.0+)
Upload your logo as a gif, jpeg or png file. A good size is 700 pixels wide and 300 pixels high.
Placement of the Logo (v1.0.0+)
- Right – the logo will be positioned in the top right corner, scaled to measure2.5cm high (with width scaled accordingly, depending on the shape/size of the file)
- Left – the logo will be positioned in the top left corner, scaled to measure 2.5cm high (with width scaled accordingly, depending on the shape/size of the file)
Open in Browser (v1.0.0+)
When set to Yes, pdf documents will be send to the browser for display, if set to no the file will be sent to the browser for download.
Display Quantity as Full Number (v1.0.0+)
When set to Yes, quantities will be displayed as a full number (eg. 1.0000 units will be displayed as 1 unit). This is the recommended default setting.
When set to No, quantities will be displayed as a partial number (eg. 1.9500 units).
Display Base and Order Currency (v5.1.0+)
When set to No, pdfs will always display the order currency. When set to Yes, pdfs will display the base currency in addition to order currency.
Display Detailed Tax Summary (v7.1.0+)
When set to Yes, the pdf document will include details of tax is applied to items.
Default Bundle Display (v8.1.3+)
When set to No, bundle items of a fixed price bundle will include more details