Installing Same Order Invoice Number (M2) - from Magento Marketplace
Note: These instructions apply to installing an extension downloaded from Magento Marketplace only. If you downloaded the extension from the Fooman website, follow these installation instructions instead.
1. Download the extension through the Magento Marketplace. Once complete, the extension will show in your account under My Purchases.
2. Create access keys in your Marketplace account (if you haven’t done so already):
Essential Info
If you are installing extensions all the time and you have an existing process for installing extensions this is the info you will need:
composer require fooman/sameorderinvoicenumber-m2:^3.0 bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Fooman_SameOrderInvoiceNumber
Option 1: The easy option (using the ExtDN Installer)
The Installer will take you through a set of automated tests and check for common issues before proceeding with the installation. From a command line in your Magento root folder run (all one line):
sh -ic "$(curl -sS" -- install fooman/sameorderinvoicenumber-m2:^3.0
Option 2: The manual option
From a command line in your Magento root folder run
composer require fooman/sameorderinvoicenumber-m2:^3.0 bin/magento module:enable --clear-static-content Fooman_SameOrderInvoiceNumber bin/magento setup:upgrade
If you are using Production Mode please also run
bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy bin/magento setup:di:compile
Option 3: Web Setup Wizard (only available on Magento 2.0 - 2.3)
System > Web Setup Wizard
1. Choose the Component Manager and then hit “Sign In” (if not done prior) using the Access Keys created for your Marketplace account.
2. Use the Sync button if the last Sync was performed before the purchase of the extension. Next click “Install”.
3. Select the extension/s you want to install and hit the Install button.
4. Follow the 3 steps of the Setup Process by using the Next buttons. Please refer to Magento’s troubleshooting guide here if you encounter any errors.
Hit the Install button and wait for the installation process to finish.