Installing Fooman Connect: Xero (M2) Monthly Version - From Fooman website
Note: These instructions apply to installing the monthly version of Fooman Connect: Xero downloaded from the Fooman website.
If you want to install the license purchase version of Fooman Connect: Xero, follow these installation instructions.
If you downloaded the extension from the Magento Marketplace, follow these installation instructions.
Option 1: Preferred Installation Method (Fooman-Hosted Repository)
Fooman will host your extension and will automatically push new extension updates to your repository, ready for you to pull/update in the future.
The advantages of this approach are:
- Saves time installing
- Saves time on installing future extension updates (you don’t need to manually download these from the Fooman website and repeat the installation process each time)
- Helps to avoid common errors some people make when using the manual installation method
- It integrates better with a multi-stage deployment process
New extension updates will be pushed automatically to this repository for as long as your support/update period is valid.
1. Log into your account on the Fooman website, using your login details you signed up with. On your My Extensions page you will see a custom command line. Copy the command line:
2. From a command line in your Magento root folder run
1. [The custom command line you copied from your Fooman Account dashboard] 2. composer require fooman/connect-sub-m2:^8.0 3. bin/magento module:enable Fooman_ConnectLicenseSub Fooman_Connect 4. bin/magento setup:upgrade
If you are using Production Mode please also run
5. bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy 6. bin/magento setup:di:compile
In the above example, line 1 would look like this:
1. composer config repositories.fooman composer
Option 2: Manual Installation Method (Self-Hosted Repository)
1. Unzip the zip file you downloaded from our store into the following folder (please create this folder if it’s not already present):
2. From a command line in your Magento root folder run
1. composer config repositories.foomanartifacts artifact $(pwd)/vendor/fooman/packages 2. composer require fooman/connect-sub-m2:^8.0 3. bin/magento module:enable Fooman_ConnectLicenseSub Fooman_Connect 4. bin/magento setup:upgrade
If you are using Production Mode please also run
5. bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy 6. bin/magento setup:di:compile