Uninstall Fooman Connect: Xero (M2)

From a command line in the Magento root folder run: 

bin/magento module:disable Fooman_ConnectLicense Fooman_Connect
bin/magento module:uninstall Fooman_ConnectLicense Fooman_Connect --remove-data
bin/magento setup:upgrade
composer remove --update-with-dependencies fooman/connect-m2
or if you are using the monthly service option please run
bin/magento module:disable Fooman_ConnectLicenseSub Fooman_Connect
bin/magento module:uninstall Fooman_ConnectLicense Fooman_Connect --remove-data
bin/magento setup:upgrade
composer remove --update-with-dependencies fooman/connect-sub-m2

If you have used the Manual Installation Method (Option 2), then please delete the following files if they exist.

rm vendor/fooman/packages/Fooman_ConnectLicense-*.zip
rm vendor/fooman/packages/Fooman_Connect-*.zip

Manual Removal of Product Attribute

Please run the following mysql queries (adjust the table names if you are using table prefixes). Please note that if you used the uninstall with `--remove-data` above this is not required.

delete from eav_attribute where attribute_code='xero_sales_account_code';

Manual removal of all database content (optional)

To manually remove any database entries please run the following mysql queries (adjust the table names if you are using table prefixes). Please note that if you used the uninstall with `--remove-data` above this is not required.

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foomanconnect_creditmemo, foomanconnect_creditmemo_error,foomanconnect_invoice,foomanconnect_invoice_error,foomanconnect_invoiceupdate,foomanconnect_invoiceupdatelog,foomanconnect_item,foomanconnect_item_error,foomanconnect_order,foomanconnect_order_error,foomanconnect_taxrate_link,foomanconnect_tenantid,foomanconnect_token,foomanconnect_tracking_rule;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

delete from setup_module where module LIKE 'Fooman_Connect%';

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