Troubleshooting Buttons

Refresh Xero Token

The connection to Xero uses secure tokens. These token need to be refreshed every 24 hours. Our integration usually handles this automatically in the background via Magento's cron system. Sometimes, for reasons outside the scope of our integration, this automatic process is not run continuously. This in turn can lead to the connection to Xero requiring a manual re-authorisation. Using the button Refresh Xero Token does exactly that. You may get redirected to Xero to confirm the connection. Please click continue until you are back in Magento and the connection should have gotten re-established.

Remove Xero Connection

This button will completely remove the credentials for the connection to Xero. This is useful if you are looking to switch to a different Xero organisation. 

Import Xero Payments / Process Xero Payments

For selected payment methods you can choose to poll Xero to see if the exported invoices have been paid in full. With the setting

Bank Account for Xero Payments set to Don't Create Payment
Create Magento Invoice set to yes

Using the button Import Xero Payments will check if previously exported invoices have received a payment. If this is the case subsequently using the Process Xero Payments will create the invoice in Magento for these Xero invoices.

Queue Magento Product Export

Queues all products to be exported to Xero. Please note this button will update the Sales prices in Xero to the current price in Magento. This is different to our standard behaviour to leave pricing information as is.

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