Set up in Magento

We indicate which features are available on which version of Fooman Google Analytics + in the following way: (v1.0.0+).

Go to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Google API to configure your Magento settings.

Google Analytics (Standard Magento) Settings

Configure the standard Magento settings shown below: 

Google Universal Analytics by Fooman Settings

Use Path Info as Tracked Url (v4.0.7)

When set to "Yes" the path that was used to access a page is used for tracking. If set to "No" the requested uri is used. (Yes might look like catalog/product/view/id/23 and No might be the simple-product.html).

Anonymise IP Address (v1.0.0+)

Set to “Yes” to anonymise visitors' IP addresses for privacy reasons. For more details, see the Google Documentation.

Enable Enhanced Link Attribution (v1.0.0+)

Set to “Yes” to tag your pages with enhanced link tracking functionality (e.g. multiple page links with the same destination, or a single page element with several destinations, such as a search button).

For more details, see the Google Documentation.

Enable Display Advertising Features (v1.0.0+)

When set to “Yes”, the standard tracking script is replaced by Google's script to additionally support Display Advertising. Enabling this allows you to use Demographic and Interests Reports in Google Analytics.

For more details, see the Google Documentation  here and here.

After you have configured Magento, log into your Google Analytics account to view the extra data added by this extension. Nothing is changed or added on the Magento dashboard.

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