Step 5 - Confirm set up via manual export

To confirm that transactions are being exported to Xero according to your intended settings set up in step 3 and step 4, we strongly recommend manually exporting a handful of representative orders and/or credit memos from Magento to Xero before setting up the automatic export process.

The manual export function can also be used in other circumstances:

  • To manually export orders / credit memos from before the automatic export process was activated (see “Start Date for Orders/Credit Memos” feature in step 6, on setting up the automatic export).
  • To manually exclude orders/credit memos from the automatic export process. Tick the checkboxes next to the orders / credit memos that you want to manually exclude, click “Never Export Selected” on the Action dropdown menu, then Submit.  


1. Go to the Sales > Xero – Orders tab (or to the Sales > Xero – Credit Memos tab if you also chose to manually export credit notes)

2. Tick the checkboxes next to all orders/credit memos that you want to manually export, and click “Export Selected” on the dropdown menu.

Manual exports are processed straight away without delay, however keep in mind that attempting to process large volumes at once may cause you to go over the Xero API limit. We recommend processing one page of orders/credit memos at a time to avoid any issues.

Please note:

  • Xero's API limit is 60 requests per minute
  • If you receive an error message because the Xero API limit has been exceeded, please wait a moment and then try to manually export the previously failed exports again.

3. Go to the Xero website and review the exported orders/credit memos under Draft Invoices.

All orders/credit memos appear as individual line items with the product name. The tax rate and account codes are also automatically filled in for you. All that's left for you to do is approve and reconcile the invoice/credit memo.

Customer Records

During the export process, invoices/credit memos will be matched to existing customer records, and customer records will be automatically created for new customers with their address, phone number and email address.

Item Details

During the export process, the Xero field “Items” will be automatically populated with the Magento SKU. This allows you to run reports in Xero on sales by item.

You can view the overall item categories in Xero – go to Accounts > Inventory.

Xero allows a maximum of 30 characters in the “Item” field. If the Magento SKU is longer that 30 characters, when exported to Xero it will be added to the invoice/credit memo description, but will not appear in the “Item” field.

4. Check that everything has been exported as expected, according to the settings chosen in step 3 and step 4. If you need to update any settings, do this now and then repeat this step to confirm the set up.   


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