Configure custom PDF attachments

Custom PDF attachments are uploaded directly by you - they are not automatically generated in Magento. This can be anything you like e.g. Terms of Trade, Returns Policy, Returns Form / Shipping Label, Product Catalog, Marketing Material.

Transactional PDF attachments (Order, Invoice, Shipment and Credit Memo PDF documents automatically generated in Magento) are configured in the next step. 

Click on  Marketing > Email Attachment Manager to get started. 

Email Attachment Manager Dashboard (v1.0.0+)

Add, view and edit your custom email attachments from the dashboard under  Marketing > Email Attachment Manager

Add New Attachment (v1.0.0+)

Enabled (v1.0.0+)

Set to "Yes" to enable this custom attachment being sent. 

Email Type (v1.0.0+)

Choose which Magento sales email type you want to add your custom attachment to.

Attachment Type (v1.0.0+)

Select "File Upload".

File (v1.0.0+)

Choose a file from your computer. It must be PDF format.

Store (v1.0.0+)

Select which store view/s for sending the custom attachment.

Apply Group Filter (v1.0.0+)

Set to "Yes" if you want the custom attachment to only be sent to particular customer group/s.

Groups (v1.0.0+)

Select the customer groups you want the custom attachment to be sent to.

Click "Save Attachment". 


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