Migration to Fooman's Xero Verified Application - Details

This article only applies to current users of the License Purchase version of Fooman Connect: Xero. Users of our monthly subscription version please see here for details.

Due to the changes required by Xero, Fooman is unfortunately no longer able to offer the License Purchase version of Fooman Connect.

Previously data could be sent from individual Magento stores to Xero, without any requirement for Fooman servers to be involved. Xero now requires data to be sent to Xero from a single verified Fooman Xero app.

The data submission flow changes from Magento > Xero: 

Fooman Connect - Diagram showing direct Connection Magento Xero

To Magento > Fooman > Xero:

Fooman Connect - Diagram showing data submission via Fooman App

To meet Xero’s requirements for verified applications, we are only able to offer the subscription version of Fooman Connect: Xero going forward. 


Magento 2.4.4 is the last supported version of the License Purchase version of Fooman Connect: Xero.  

The Xero indicated cut-off date for existing connections was 30 September, 2022. To keep using the Fooman integration after Xero ends support, you will need to migrate to the monthly version of Fooman Connect: Xero.

Migration Details - Action Required

  1. Please sign up to the monthly version of Fooman Connect: Xero.
  2. If you have not yet installed the extension via our hosted Composer repository or the licensed URL has changed
  3. please run the Composer command found in your account here:

  4. To switch the code base please run the following commands:
bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer (if you are in production mode)
composer remove fooman/connect-m2 --no-update
composer require fooman/connect-sub-m2 --no-update
composer update fooman/* xeroapi/*
bin/magento module:enable Fooman_ConnectLicenseSub
bin/magento setup:upgrade

You usual sequence of commands to enable production mode
(for example bin/magento deploy:mode:set production)

Once the code has been updated please walk through this guide to generate your API Key and Secret for use with the integration.

Breaking Changes

Fooman Created Add-Ons and Events

  • All Fooman created add-ons for Fooman Connect will continue to work without changes when switching to the subscription version
  • All existing Fooman Connect events retain their functionality and will continue to work without changes.

Code Customisations

If you have previously made your own code customisations to Fooman Connect: Xero:

  • Some code customisations are unaffected and will continue to work without changes
  • Some code customisations will no longer work with the new Xero verified application. 

We have summarised all code changes that could potentially affect customisations here.

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